Wednesday, August 19, 2015

XML Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced basic advanced 2015-2016

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What is a markup language?

Markup languages are designed for presentation of text in different formats, and it can also be used for transporting and storing data. This markup language specifies the code for formatting, layout and style of data .This markup code is called Tag.

HTML and XML are examples of Markup Language.

What is full Form XML?

Extensible Markup Language.

What is XML?

It is text-based standard design for interchange the information between two application. There are no predefined tags and attributes in XML. you can create your own tags and attributes in tag.

Who created the XML?

Jon Bosak

What are the features of XML?

Main features of XML are:

• Very easy to learn and implement

• XML files are text files, and no editor is required

• Minimal and a limited number of syntax rules in XML

• It is extensible, and it specifies that structural rules of tags

Which tag is used to find the version of XML and the syntax?

Declaring the XML version is very important for each XML document and platform needs to be specified in which it is running.

<?xml version=”1.1” encoding=”|ISO-8859-1|”?>

What is XML DOM Document?

XML Document object represents the whole XML document, and it is the root of a document tree. It gives access to entire XML document – Nodes and Elements, and it has its own properties.

What is XPath?

XPath is used to find information in an XML document and contains standard functions. XPath is the major element in XSLT, and it is w3c recommendation.

Why XML is so popular?

It is free standard for exchange information.
It is independent of language.
It is independent of Hosting Server
Human Readable.
You can create your Own tags in XML.

Why XML is used?

It is Opensource.
It is easy to understand.
you can create your own tags.
Independent of languages and OS.
You can embed photo, videos in XML.

What is file extension of XML?


Used for embed images, video etc

What is a CDATA section in XML?

The CDATA is used when you don't want some text data be parsed by the XML parser.

What is XQuery?

Xquery is a query language that is used to retrieve data from XML documents. You can add, update, delete and list the XML with use of XQuery.

What is XMLA ?

It is protocol of Microsoft  for XML-messaging used for exchanging data between client and servers.

What is XSL?

XSL is a language used for expressing style sheets. An XSL style sheet is a file that describes the way to display an XML document.
Now, above data will not parse.

What are the advantages of XML DOM Document?

Advantages of XML DOM:

• XML structure is traversable, and it can be randomly accessed by traversing the tree.

• XML structure is modifiable, and values can be added, changed and removed

What are the basic rules while writing XML?

These are the basic rules while writing XML:

• All XML should have a root element

• All tags should be closed

• XML tags are case sensitive

• All tags should be nested properly

• Tag names cannot contain spaces

• Attribute value should appear within quotes

• White space is preserved


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