Thursday, August 20, 2015

oDesk Bootstrap Test Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced basic advanced 2015-2016

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Ques 1. Which of the accompanying are no Bootstrap plugins? 


a. move 

b. tocible 

c tooltip 

d. standard 

Ques 2. What does the accompanying HTML code do? 


a. It produces a nearby symbol for releasing substance like modals and alarms. 

b. It uses the smaller scale clearfix. 

c. It shows dropdown usefulness and bearing. 

d. It shows back catch usefulness. 

Ques 3. Which of the accompanying proclamations are right with respects passing elixirs? 


a. Choices can be passed through information qualities or JavaScript. 

b. For information properties, the alternative name must be attached to choice , as in choice animation="". 

c. For information properties, the alternative name must be attached to information , as in information animation="". 

d. Choice can be passed just through JavaScript. 

Ques 4. Which of the accompanying are aide classes? 


a. .close 

b. .identification 

c. .caret 

d. .clearfix 

Ques 5. Which of the accompanying will set a modular window to be shut when the break key is squeezed? 


a. Setting the choice "scenery" to genuine 

b. Setting the choice "scenery" to genuine 

c. Setting the choice "console" to genuine 

d. Setting the choice "break" to genuine 

Ques 6.Which of the accompanying is not a Bootstrap segment? 


a. Glyphicons 

b. Breadcrumbs 

c. Dropdowns 

d. Pivottable 

Ques 7.What is the default measure of time deferral between consequently cycling things in a merry go round? 


a. 2000 

b. 3000 

c. 5000 

d. None of these 

Ques 8. Which of the accompanying is the default drift foundation shading of the table column? 


a. #f9f9f9 

b. #f5f5f5 

c. #ddd 

d. #66afe9 

Ques 9.which of the accompanying are not choice of the technique $().tooltip(options)? 


a. movement 

b. delay 

c. scenery 

d. show 

Ques 10. Which of the accompanying will set a modular window to not be shut on snap? 


a. Setting the alternative "scenery" to genuine 

b. Setting the alternative "scenery" to static 

c. Setting the alternative "console" to genuine 

d. None of these 

Ques 11.Which of the accompanying classes are logical classes? 


a. .victory 

b. .caution 

c. .mistake 

d. .risk 

Ques 12. Which of the accompanying classes will make tables look up on a level plane when width of the perspective is under 768px? 


a. .table 

b. .table-striped 

c. .table-consolidated 

d. .table-responsive 

e. .table-scrollable 

Ques 13. Which of the accompanying will accurately call a dialog brief? 


a. $('#myModal').modal() 

b. $('#myModal').modal({keyboard:false}) 

c. $('#myModal').modal('show') 

d. These 

Ques 14. Which of the accompanying LESS variables does not fit in with the Navbar part? 


a. @navbar-edge base 

b. @navbar-outskirt sweep 

c. @navbar-cushioning level 

d. @navbar-default-tallness 

Ques 15. What does the accompanying HTML code do? 



a. It demonstrates dropdown usefulness and bearing 

b. It uses the small scale clearfix. 

c. It highlights new or new things. 

d. It expands the whole viewport. 

Ques 16.Which sort of trigger can't be utilized with the "postponement" choice to show and conceal a popover? 


a. click 

b. drift 

c. center 

d. manual 

Ques 17. What number of approval styles for conditions of on-structure controls does Bootstrap have? 


a. 6 

b. 5 

c. 4 

d. 3 

Ques 18. Which of the accompanying proclamations is right about utilizing the breakdown plugin? 

i) The Transitions plugin must be incorporated. 

ii) The popover plugin must be incorporated. 


a. Proclamation An is genuine while Statement B is false. 

b. B is genuine while Statement An is false. 

c. Both proclamations are valid. 

d. Both proclamation are false. 

Ques 19.Which of the accompanying is the right portrayal of the given table? 



a. It has light cushioning and just flat dividers with an empowered float state on table lines inside of a 

b. It has zebra-striping empowered on any table line inside of the . 

c. It has light cushioning and just flat dividers. 

d. It is compacted by slicing cell cushioning down the middle. 

Ques 20. Which of the accompanying will set a modular window to not be shut on snap? 


a. Setting the alternative "background" to genuine 

b. Setting the alternative "background" to static 

c. Setting the alternative "console" to genuine 

d. None of the


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