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Icon | Name | Shortcuts |
 | Smile | :) :=) :-) |
 | Sad | :( :=( :-( |
 | Laugh | :D :=D :-D :d :=d :-d |
 | Cool | 8=) 8-) B=) B-) (cool) |
 | Wink | ;) ;-) ;=) |
 | Surprised | :o :=o :-o :O :=O :-O |
 | Crying | ;( ;-( ;=( |
 | Sweating | (sweat) (:| |
 | Speechless | :| :=| :-| |
 | Kiss | :* :=* :-* |
 | Cheeky | :P :=P :-P :p :=p :-p |
 | Fingers crossed | (yn) |
 | Blush | (blush) :$ :-$ :=$ :"> |
 | Wondering | :^) |
 | Sleepy | |-) I-) I=) (snooze) |
 | Dull | |( |-( |=( |
 | In love | (inlove) |
 | Evil grin | ]:) >:) (grin) |
 | Yawn | (yawn) |
 | Puke | (puke) :& :-& :=& |
 | Doh! | (doh) |
 | Angry | :@ :-@ :=@ x( x-( x=( X( X- (X=( |
 | It wasn't me | (wasntme) |
 | Party!!! | (party) |
 | Facepalm | (facepalm) |
 | Worried | :S :-S :=S :s :-s :=s |
 | Mmm... | (mm) |
 | Nerd | 8-| B-| 8| B| 8=| B=| (nerd) |
 | Lips Sealed | :x :-x: X :-X :# :-# :=x :=X :=# |
 | Hi | (hi) (wave) |
 | Devil | (devil) |
 | Angel | (angel) |
 | Envy | (envy) |
 | Wait | (wait) |
 | Bear-hug | (bear) (hug) |
 | Make-up | (makeup) (kate) |
 | Movember | (moustache) |
 | Giggle | (giggle) (chuckle) |
 | Clapping | (clap) |
 | Thinking | (think) :? :-? :=? |
 | Bowing | (bow) |
 | Rolling on the floor laughing | (rofl) |
 | Relieved | (whew) |
 | High five | (highfive) |
 | Happy | (happy) |
 | Smirking | (smirk) |
 | Nodding | (nod) |
 | Shaking | (shake) |
 | Waiting | (waiting) |
 | Emo | (emo) |
 | Yes | (y) (Y) (ok) |
 | No | (n) (N) |
 | Shaking Hands | (handshake) |
 | Heart | (h) (H) (l) (L) |
 | Lalala | (lalala) |
 | TMI | (tmi) |
 | Heidy | (heidy) |
 | Flower | (f) (F) |
 | Rain | (rain) (london) (st) |
 | Sun | (sun) |
 | Music | (music) |
 | Coffee | (coffee) |
 | Pizza | (pizza) (pi) |
 | Cash | (cash) (mo) ($) |
 | Muscle | (muscle) (flex) |
 | Cake | (^) (cake) |
 | Beer | (beer) |
 | Drink | (d) (D) |
 | Dancing | (dance) \o/ \:D/ \:d/ |
 | Ninja | (ninja) |
 | Star | (*) |
 | Tumbleweed | (tumbleweed) |
 | Bandit | (bandit) |
 | Rock | (rock) |
 | Headbang | (headbang) (banghead) |
 | Punch | (punch) |
 | Talking | (talk) |
 | Swearing | (swear) |
 | Idea | (idea) |
 | Talk to the hand | (talktothehand) |
 | Broken heart | (u) (U) |
 | Fist bump | (fistbump) |
 | Praying | (pray) |
 | Poke | (poke) |
 | Victory sign | (victory) |
 | Hands in air in celebration | (celebrate) |
 | Be right back | (brb) |
 | Working from home | (wfh) |
 | Phone | (mp) (ph) |
 | Call | (call) |
 | Mail | (e) (m) |
 | Movie | (~) (film) (movie) |
 | Time | (o) (O) (time) |
 | Sheep | (sheep) |
 | Cat | (cat) :3 |
 | Bike | (bike) |
 | Dog | (dog) |
 | Bartlett | (soccer) |
 | Monkey | (monkey) |
 | Bomb | (bomb) |
Reference from: https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA12330/what-is-the-full-list-of-emoticons
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