Friday, August 21, 2015

Facebook Symbols and Chat Emoticons 2015-2016

Facebook Symbols and Chat Emoticons 2015-2016,List of Emoticons for Facebook - Facebook Symbols and Chat Emoticons 2015-2016,Facebook Chat Symbol Emoticons List ,New Symbols for Facebook,New Facebook Chat Symbols Emoticon List,New Emoticons on Facebook ,emoticon on facebook,emoticon for facebook, facebook face emoticons, FACEBOOK CHAT EMOTICONS ,Facebook Symbols ,Facebook Smileys,FB Chat Symbol ,FB Emoticons ,FB New emoticons codes ,FB Smileys ,New Facebook Chat Symbol Emoticons List,New 2014 text codes of Facebook smiley images in chat and messaging. FB (Facebook) emoticons and smileys, secrets and codes, tip and tricks for better chat experience on most popular social networking site Facebook.Here are all the smileys possible so far, Copy and paste codes on the facebook chat and enjoy using the best facebook chat emoticons.


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